Value Added Services
Redefining Oncology R&D for Indian Patients
Cancers in the head and neck are more common in India compared to western countries. Despite the widening statistics, research and development in these types of cancers are limited, mainly due to the lack of support from big pharma MNCs based in the west. At Wembrace Biopharma, we understand the importance of R&D in this field and endeavour to support the development of cancer-based drugs for our geography. We are determined to invest our efforts and even seek partnerships to achieve this goal.
With the rising number of patients diagnosed with cancer, we need more effective and affordable treatments in India. Wembrace Biopharma is committed to developing and delivering novel therapies to help cancer patients live their lives without compromising on the quality of the drugs. For that purpose, we have partnered with both domestic and international businesses, oncology hospitals and teaching institutes in India to have a collaborative approach to discover innovative solutions. Presently, we are collaborating with premier institutes in India to invest in research and conduct clinical trials to win our battles against cancer.
New cancer cases in India have risen to 1.1 million annually1. Among them, head and neck cancers are more prominent. Moreover, it is seen that the diagnoses are higher among rural and small-town populations, posing profound socio-economic challenges. Head and neck cancers affect the visible parts of the body, further contributing to the stigma around these illnesses and impacting the daily routines of patients like feeding, speaking and making public appearances. This poses a huge challenge for researchers to find innovative and cost-effective solutions not only for the active treatment of head and neck cancers but also to aid the unique requirements post-treatment.

Head and neck cancers have been found to be more common in men compared to women. Tobacco consumption is the single most important risk factor responsible for this malady. It is important to understand that tobacco consumption in all forms viz., as smoke as well as smokeless (like paan, gutka, khaini, etc.) contributes to cancer. Consumption of tobacco is higher in North and East India, thus showing higher incidences in these parts of the country.
Consumption of both tobacco and alcohol develops a higher risk of being diagnosed with these cancers.
Among head and neck cancers, oral cancers are the most preventable. The numbers are however still rising due to unabated tobacco consumption indicating the need for enhancing awareness. A significant part of the battle against cancer is to catch cancer early and a lot is still to be done by society and government agencies. India has a vast geographical size and population coupled with social diversity. Hence, meeting the diverse needs of treatment and care for complex diseases like cancer is manifold. The rising number of cases in India makes it congenial to conduct clinical trials and develop treatment protocols by researchers and medical professionals. This will not only result in lessening the burden of the disease but also ensure the economic growth of the healthcare sector in India. At Wembrace Biopharma, we are strengthening these partnerships and creating opportunities by focusing on more prevalent cancers in our country.
Head and neck cancers have been found to be more common in men compared to women. Tobacco consumption is the single most important risk factor responsible for this malady. It is important to understand that tobacco consumption in all forms viz., as smoke as well as smokeless (like paan, gutka, khaini, etc.) contributes to cancer. Consumption of tobacco is higher in North and East India, thus showing higher incidences in these parts of the country.

Promoting Scientific Activities & Scholarships
At Wembrace Biopharma, we aim to help researchers and healthcare providers to excel in their fields to expedite drug delivery and development. We encourage periodic scientific seminars and knowledge sharing on focused therapy segments involving experts and thought leaders. We support research scholars in pharmacy and medicine to shape the future by finding solutions for challenging diseases and innovative applications to improvise existing modalities of diagnosis and treatment.
Wembrace aims to support major scientific activities of academic institutions and medical associations in India. We plan to have long-term agreements with leading academic institutes in the world for knowledge exchange with academic institutions in India. These exchange programs will be mostly through virtual platforms; however, periodic in-person exchanges are also conceived by our research team.
Wembrace aims to support major scientific activities of academic institutions and medical associations in India. We plan to have long-term agreements with leading academic institutes in the world for knowledge exchange with academic institutions in India. These exchange programs will be mostly through virtual platforms; however, periodic in-person exchanges are also conceived by our research team.
In India, there is an existing strong network of oncology associations across medical, radiation and surgical specialties, and we wish to partner with them to have regular scientific updates, support clinical research and conduct preceptorship programs and disease awareness campaigns. We have also proposed to support scholarships for deserving medical students in the field of oncology through these bodies.
Through our global partners, we wish to bring technical know-how, promote opportunities for adopting new technology and develop capabilities to support and produce innovative products in India. Our vision is to make India a hub for exporting these products to Asia-Pacific countries and beyond in the near future.
PAP – Patient Assistance Program For Enhanced Drug Access In India
Oncology drugs are the result of exhaustive research followed by extensive clinical trials. Their high costs are thus expected. At Wembrace Biopharma, we are continuously striving to enhance drug access and overcome this affordability challenge through regular PAP for the self-paid population on our selected drugs to ensure they reach maximum patients. We understand that a cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming. Wembrace offers assistance to eligible patients by giving free products and compassionate counselling and aids, like starter kits to patients with cancer and their families. The basic purpose of our assistance program is to ensure that cancer patients adhere to their treatment regimen as per their physicians’ advice. The PAP programs can thus enable drug access for patients from a broader socio-economic spectrum of society.

PSP – Patient Support Program Beyond Drug Therapy
Wembrace Biopharma has partnered with an expert organization to provide optional psychological and lifestyle management guidance for cancer patients on our drugs to gain the maximum benefits from their chemo-drug therapies. This is subject to the concurrence of their treating physicians. We partner with cancer patients in their journey to understand and support their special needs. We believe every cancer patient deserves personalised attention. To that effect, we have tied up with our group company, CARER, to offer support for eligible patients on our PAP-supported drugs with the concurrence of treating physicians. CARER works to improve three key areas of a patient’s life – food, body and mind. With personalised attention to these areas, patients can recover, rehabilitate and even decrease their chances of a relapse.